,firstly let me start with things off by saying that I LOVE YOU very much and that nothing could ever compare to the love i have for you.
Ever since i knew you 1096 days ago, my life has change bie & ever since i laid my eyes on you, i knew i will love you eternity. 
Your amazing in every way possible.
You're sweet, you're loving, you're caring, you're understanding, and everything else you name it.
There 7 billion people in the world and i never knew i that would be the one that had been given the opportunity to call you "mine" .
It may be faith or coincidence, but no matter what, i will always treasure every moment i spend with you. 
If i was ever ask what would i want to do again if i had the chance?
i would want to go back to the first time we've known each other so that i could love you all over again.
Sweet Heart, i may not be able to give you anything, but i wish you loved everything i did/do to you.
i may act weird, annoying, cranky, moody 
You have spice up my life day by day with all your lovingness, the personality you have makes you incredible the way you are. 
You have never fail to make me smile everyday.
The first time we've met, from a smile, a wave, a 'hi' to hold hand, to hug and to a kiss on cheeks and a 'i love you' , i never knew we already reach our 3rd Years together as a couple today.
i am so lucky to have you in my life.
You have been the bestfriend i ever wanted and the boyfriend i always needed.
Words havent been invented yet to express how i feel to and how much i love you but what can i say is that you're my joy and happiness to my everyday.
Its amazing how we can be like sibling when we tease or bully each other 
Or how we can be bestfriend when we share secrets or gossips and lovers when we share the love we have.
GOD know other amazing things happen.
im so blessed and thankful to have a man like you.
Well, Tagged.com have the right place to us to known each other cause thats where i found my better half, YOU. I love you, bie. 

(i put this pic bcos we both in my house, you met my parents for the first time. you taste my very own cook specially made just for you)
How can i thank you enough sayang..
You have done so much for me.
i can never find someone like you, someone who would sacrifice so much just for me.
It really touch me sayang.
i promised you, one day i will be the one taking care of you and i'll always be there by your side through think and thin.
i'll always be your forever biggest fan and you'll forever be my favorite man.
I loved you so much even words can't describe it.

Happy 3rd Years Anniversary, My Love.