Thursday, January 17, 2013

Will You Be Mine

Hey guys!
So, already watch this video?
Actually, I want to dedicate this special song (if you listen properly and read thos lyrics)
to MY BELOVED ONE, Mohd Fajrul Shafiq.

Sayang, this song is represent myself to you.
I would do better than her.
I want you to be happy, not with her, but with me!
Lay down your love on me, I'll promise you never get hurt anymore.

With Love,
Your Fiancee

Monday, January 14, 2013

3 months!

lamanya haku tak update blog ni kan.

So, sekarang ni aku dah habis SPM's Examination.
dah dekat 2 bulan lebih sebenarnya.
habis SPM je terus duduk rumah tanpa bekerja.
hahaha, goyang kaki la konon nya.
Tapi start bukak sekolah hari tu, aku dah ade kerja.
Hantar anak2 buah pergi sekolah.
so aku masih perlu bangun pukul 6 pagi.
sebenarnya terasa rindu kot nak bersekolah.

Okay tu je.

Haaa? aku dengan fajrul?
Alhamdulillah dah 3 bulan kami bersama.
so far, dia la yang pertama couple lama sikit lepas broke up dengan Wan.
before this, i mean 2 orang sebelum Fajrul and selepas Wan tu kitorang couple sebulan je.
pastu putus.
but dia ni lama jugak la.
and hopefully bersama hingga ke akhir waktu.

Sayang, I'm happy with you.
FYI, belom pernah sekali pun bby rasa marah, sakit hati, or sedih sebab perangai bie or whatever,
sepanjang kita bersama, im just soooo happy.
Thanks for the love, thanks for your caring, thanks for everything!
I am MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU *hug and kisses!*

Nah lagu khas buat awak!

With Love,